It's only purpose is to help you add a customisable title to either a page, element or whatever, in various colors or states. You can change the heading level, add subtitle, paragraph and even a custom made symbol like a dash or icon.
Here's a few examples of what it can do.
Here's a subtitle example.
This example has a H2 level, semibold font weight, a subtitle and a paragraph. As a symbol, it has a red dash right after the title.
Here's a subtitle example.
This example has a H3 level, thin font weight, a subtitle and a paragraph. As a symbol, it has a red dash with a border right after the title.
Here's a subtitle example.
This example is centrally aligned, has a H4 level, bold font weight, a subtitle and a paragraph. As a symbol, it has a simple after the title. It's also darker than the others.
Just a few pixels before, that's a separator. you can change color, height, size and margins.
It's sole purpose is to help get a pixel perfect layout by helping you with some height pixels wherever you need some.
It's invisible but right below there's a 50px height spacer.
The textbox element is a very, very simple element that just displays a box with.. text. It's packed with a visual editor so you can customise the text as much as you want.
The Page Content Element is the only way you can add the page backend content into the page builder.
Other elements might be: Sidebar Element, Custom Subheader Element, Column Element, Section Element, Custom container Element and Comments Element.
These are all quite easy to understand but there's no big reason to display them here so you can find inside the documentation a lot of info about them
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Przechowywanie techniczne lub dostęp, który jest używany wyłącznie do celów statystycznych.Przechowywanie techniczne lub dostęp, który jest używany wyłącznie do anonimowych celów statystycznych. Bez wezwania do sądu, dobrowolnego podporządkowania się dostawcy usług internetowych lub dodatkowych zapisów od strony trzeciej, informacje przechowywane lub pobierane wyłącznie w tym celu zwykle nie mogą być wykorzystywane do identyfikacji użytkownika.
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